Administrative > Site Options


Clients Can Create Own Account is "On" by default, which will allow clients to create their own Client Profile and Client Login (if you link your main site to your PPC site) and then request services. If you turn this "Off" then you will need to Invite clients for them to setup their own accounts

  • Client Dashboard Message (click for info)
  • Clients can Rate visits (click for info)
  • The Client Fields and Pet Fields* will determine most of what information is visible and required when you add clients and pets (and when your clients fill out their Client Profiles)*. Each field can be set to "Show" (it can be filled out or left blank), "Required" (profile cannot be saved unless it is filled out) or "Hide" (cannot be seen or filled out) for Clients, Managers and Sitters. Sitters cannot edit profiles so "Required" will translate to "Show" for them. You can also rename any of the fields, allowing you to repurpose them to your own needs. To reorder fields after client data has already been added use Administrative > Tools > Swap Client Fields. Special fields to be aware of are:
    • Primary Phone is a selector of Cell/Work/Home
    • Alternate Email Address(es) needs to be an email address
    • Home Alarm System is a selector of Yes/No (the other Alarm fields only show if “Yes” is answered)
    • Secure Yard Fence is a selector of N/A/Standard/Invisible/Electric
    • Pool Type is a selector of N/A/Inground/Above Ground/Indoor
    • Trash/Recycling Pickup Day(s) is a multiple choice selector of Monday-Sunday
    • Client’s Vet is a selector for the vets entered in the system (or add a new one)
  • * It is important to have the Client Fields and Pet Fields setup BEFORE you start adding clients and pets to the system
  • Specific Animal Fields allow you to hide Pet Fields based on the animal type that is selected. If one of the Pet Fields has been set as "REQUIRE" it will no longer be required if it is hidden due to these settings
  • Tags (click for info)
  • By entering Client Referral Choices you will be able to assign a referral to clients and run reports based on referral

Time & Scheduling

You can choose how long Users stay logged in for (this refers to both staff and clients). Using the native app, users will remain logged in regardless of this setting.

  • When adding visits to the system you will be required to choose a Time Block (eg. Midday: 11:00am - 2:00pm), which you setup.
  • Auto-mark First/Last Visits (click for info)
  • Time & Mileage Tracking (click for info)
  • By changing Visit Times for Sitters to "Set Specific Times" you can also choose a specific time for each visit. Clients will never see specific times, unless they are manually added to the client notes.
  • Day Names & Blocking (click for info)
  • Block Last Minute Requests (click for info)
  • By using Sitter Assignment Confirming, your sitters will be required to login and "Confirm" their visits up to the set number of days before they take place. This will provide an additional level of security to ensure that sitters will show up at their visits. This setting can be set to "Disable" if you do not want to use it.
  • The Key Request Notices will check to see if the sitter is in possession of keys for upcoming visits and alert you the set number of days ahead of time if they don't. This setting can be disabled and you will not be notified
  • Ongoing Schedule Lookahead (click for info)

Sitters & Journals


  • Enter your Company Name, Short Name and Company Abbreviation. They will be used throughout the software
  • The Company Location address will set the starting map location when maps are loaded and appear in the footer
  • Your Website URL will be used when anyone clicks on the "Home" link
  • Your Phone Number, Business Hours and Social Media Links will appear in the footer. If you enable Visit Ratings, the system will link to Facebook if you have added it.
  • Google Review Link (more info)
  • Upload an Admin Logo, which will appear as your logo throughout the system
  • Choosing Colors allows you to coordinate with your Admin Logo and Site Header while branding the system with your company colors.

Communication > Communication Options

Additional settings related to communication and email can be found on this page.

Getting Started #2: Times Blocks & Services >