Here is a list of the setup order that we recommend:
  1. Getting Started #1: Configuring Options - Updating options from the Administrative > Site Options page and Communication > Communication Options page
  2. Getting Started #2: Times & Services - Adding Time Blocks and then Base Services from the Petcare > Services & Times page
  3. Getting Started #3: Clients & Pets - Adding Clients from the Petcare > Client Profiles page and then Pets from the Petcare > Pet Profiles page (if importing see Importing Client/Pet Spreadsheets )
  4. Once you’ve entered information for the above you’ll be able to start adding to the schedule. 

Recommended timeline for getting started

  1. Get your trial setup by following our Setup Series (see above)
  2. Enter some test clients and allow your staff who will be in charge of the transition to get familiar with the system
  3. Introduce your staff to the system (here is the Pet Sitter Manual)
  4. Fully import all of your client and pet information (we can help with this one)
  5. If you are using other software, start a transition period of 2-6 weeks where your staff will be using both systems (to some degree) at the same time
  6. Invite your clients to create accounts

Important Resources