Here is a list of the setup order that we recommend:
- Getting Started #1: Configuring Options - Updating options from the Administrative > Site Options page and Communication > Communication Options page
- Getting Started #2: Times & Services - Adding Time Blocks and then Base Services from the Petcare > Services & Times page
- Getting Started #3: Clients & Pets - Adding Clients from the Petcare > Client Profiles page and then Pets from the Petcare > Pet Profiles page (if importing see Importing Client/Pet Spreadsheets )
- Once you’ve entered information for the above you’ll be able to start adding to the schedule.
Recommended timeline for getting started
- Get your trial setup by following our Setup Series (see above)
- Enter some test clients and allow your staff who will be in charge of the transition to get familiar with the system
- Introduce your staff to the system (here is the Pet Sitter Manual)
- Fully import all of your client and pet information (we can help with this one)
- If you are using other software, start a transition period of 2-6 weeks where your staff will be using both systems (to some degree) at the same time
- Invite your clients to create accounts