The Billing Options are managed from the Billing > Billing Options page. Here you can setup how the system handles billing and invoicing.


  • You can optionally set a Billing Email Address, which will be used to receive and send and billing-related emails. If not set the Site Email Address will be used
  • The Default Terms will determine the invoice Due Date (which in turn determines when the reminders and overdue notices are sent) and can be relative to one of the following:
    • Invoice Date: this is the date which the invoice is created (which can be manually changed after creation)
    • First Visit: the earliest visit on the invoice
    • Last Visit: the latest visit on the invoice
  • When invoices are created the Invoice Output can be set to:
    • Summary - Each visit is a single line item including Surcharges and Addon services
    • Detailed - Invoices will be broken down with line items for the base service and additional pet charges (together on one line), Surcharges (each on a line) and Addon services (each on a line)
  • The Default Tax Rate determines the visit-level taxes that the system calculates for each visit. Once a Default Tax Rate is set you can setup custom tax rates for individual Clients, Base Services and Territories.
  • If you upload an Invoice Logo it will be placed on the printable invoices that your clients are sent a link to view. The logo will be automatically resized to fit the invoice
  • The Invoice Footer is placed at the bottom of every invoice. You can use this for general billing or "thank you" messages. Additional notes can be added to individual invoices (see Making Changes to Invoices). NOTE: the Invoice Footer can include HTML code if you want to use it to add images.
  • An Invoice Reminder email will automatically be sent this number of days before the due date. Included in this "Invoice # Reminder" email is the invoice date, total, amount due and due date. If using Due on receipt for the invoice terms this reminder won't be sent. This automatic reminder will be sent only if the invoice has already been Sent (see Sending Notices and Reminders)
  • The Invoice Overdue emails will automatically be sent this number of days after the due date. Included in these "Invoice # Overdue" and "Invoice # Overdue Second Notices" emails are the number of days overdue, invoice date, total, amount due and due date. These automatic reminders will be sent only if the invoice has already been Sent (see Sending Notices and Reminders)
  • Use the Automatic Late Fees to have the system automatically add a single Late Fee to overdue Sent Invoices either as a set amount or percent of the invoice total

Online Payments

  • (Integrated Payment Processing only) To prevent the system from automatically charging invoices to cards on file (see
    How can I automatically charge an invoice?) you can turn Off Automatic Credit Card Processing
  • (Integrated Payment Processing only) You can require clients to have a card on file before they can request services. This is done by updating the Require Credit Cards setting.
  • (Integrated Payment Processing only) If you have Merchant Account credit card processing you can add Credit Card Convenience Fees. These allow you to automatically add fees to all invoices that are charged to credit cards (they won't be added for payments by check). You can add multiple ranges and fees (eg. $10-50 is one amount, $51-100 is another, etc.)
  • Adding your PayPal account email address to the PayPal Standard field will add a PayPal "Pay Now" button to your invoices. NOTE: PayPal Standard is an off site payment method and only for client-initiated payments

  • Adding your Venmo Username and QR Link will add a Venmo button to your invoices. NOTE: you will need to manually add Transactions to the system when clients pay using Venmo

  • Integrated Payment Processing (click for info)

Auto Invoicing (click for info)