You can use the system to track hourly pay for staff by allowing them to clock in and clock out. Here's how it works:
- First, turn it on at Site Options > Time & Scheduling > Time & Mileage Tracking
- Setup hourly pay rates by editing staff on the Administrative > Users page and update the "Hourly Pay Rate"
- You will see a clock icon on the right side of the top bar next to the notifications (bell) icon
- Tap on the clock icon and the system will immediately start tracking your time (your current time will appear in a green badge above the icon)
- Tap on the clock icon again to pop open your current time details and to add notes and/or to Clock Out
- The Scheduling > Timesheet page will list all Timesheets (or for sitters only their own)
- Timesheets are included when running payroll using the Billing > Payroll page
- The timer will start automatically when sitters arrive at their first visit
- Staff are automatically clocked out at the time they were last active if the system detects no activity for over an hour (eg. if Suzy Sitter completes her last visit at 8pm and doesn't use the system afterwards she will be clocked out at 9pm, with her timesheet end set back to 8pm)
- Mileage Tracking requires the native app and happens automatically whenever the sitter is clocked in - the native app can be found at https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/precise-petcare/id1261059126 (iOS) and https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.precise.petcare (Android)
- Clients cannot see anything related to Time Tracking