We realize how important it is to know if a sitter is late for a visit (or if they don't arrive at all!) and to automate the process of finding out as early as possible we have Late Arrival Alerts. Here is how they work:
- They can be turned on at Site Options > Sitters & Journals > Late Arrival Alerts
- Using the Arrival Alert Settings you can choose whether you can fine tune the sensitivity of when the alerts will happen - NOTE: you can use negative minutes as well, which allows you to have them sent a specified number of minutes before the Time Block End
- Changing the Alert Services & Times allows you to turn on or off the alerts for specific services and times
- Alerts are triggered when a visit isn't marked as In Progress or Completed
- To determine how the system sends the alerts (other than an in-system notification) use the Communication > Communication Options > Office ("Sitter is late to a visit") and Sitters ("They are late for a visit") settings
- If you choose to receive email alerts note that they are processed every 10 minutes and may not be exact to the minute of your time sensitivity
- The email alerts are sent both to management (the Site Email Address) and to the sitter who is late. Both parties will receive a single email for each late visit