To make sure that you have a payment gateway that the system connects to see our list of supported gateways at Payment Processing Options. Payment processing is setup on the Billing > Billing Options > Online Payments page. Listed below are the steps to connect the system with the gateways we support.
Off Site
PayPal Payments Standard/Advanced
- Enter the email address associated with your PayPal account into PayPal Standard (off site) and clients can pay invoices using the PayPal website
- Alternatively, you can instead enter your PayPal Merchant ID, which uses PayPal Checkout for a slightly better client experience as they pay using a pop-up on the Invoice (Your PayPal Merchant ID can be found by logging into your PayPal account and going to Account Settings > Business Information)
- Enter your Venmo Username (for clients paying on a desktop) and Venmo QR Link (for clients paying using a mobile device) into Venmo (off site)
- Choose "Stripe" for Integrated Integrated Credit Card Processing and click on the "Connect with Stripe" button
- You will be brought to Stripe's website, where you can either Sign In to your existing Stripe account or create a New Stripe account
- Authorize access to your Stripe account
WARNING: Credit cards are stored on Stripe's servers and if you switch to or from Stripe you will lose all previously saved credit cards
- Generate your API login and transaction key using these steps:
- Take your account out of test mode:
- Choose "" for Integrated Credit Card Processing and enter your API login, API Transaction Key and Accepted Card Types
PayPal Payments Pro
- Follow the directions at to get your API Signature credentials
- Choose "PayPal Payments Pro" for Integrated Credit Card Processing and enter your your API Username, API Password and Signature
- Follow the directions at to get your Web Payments Token
- Follow the directions at to get your API Key
- Choose "Stax" for Integrated Credit Card Processing and enter your your Web Payments Token, API Key and Accepted Card Types
- Find the "New Merchant Information For..." email which was sent to you when your Paya account was created and locate the Merchant Id Number and M_Key Number
- Choose "Paya" for Integrated Credit Card Processing and enter your Merchant ID, Merchant Key and Accepted Card Types