To make sure that you have a payment gateway that the system connects to see our list of supported gateways at Payment Processing Options. Payment processing is setup on the Billing > Billing Options > Online Payments page. Listed below are the steps to connect the system with the gateways we support.

Off Site

PayPal Payments Standard/Advanced

  1. Enter the email address associated with your PayPal account into PayPal Standard (off site) and clients can pay invoices using the PayPal website
  2. Alternatively, you can instead enter your PayPal Merchant ID, which uses PayPal Checkout for a slightly better client experience as they pay using a pop-up on the Invoice (Your PayPal Merchant ID can be found by logging into your PayPal account and going to Account Settings > Business Information)


  1. Enter your Venmo Username (for clients paying on a desktop) and Venmo QR Link (for clients paying using a mobile device) into Venmo (off site)



  1. Choose "Stripe" for Integrated Integrated Credit Card Processing and click on the "Connect with Stripe" button
  2. You will be brought to Stripe's website, where you can either Sign In to your existing Stripe account or create a New Stripe account
  3. Authorize access to your Stripe account

WARNING: Credit cards are stored on Stripe's servers and if you switch to or from Stripe you will lose all previously saved credit cards

  1. Generate your API login and transaction key using these steps:
  2. Take your account out of test mode:
  3. Choose "" for Integrated Credit Card Processing and enter your API login, API Transaction Key and Accepted Card Types

PayPal Payments Pro

  1. Follow the directions at to get your API Signature credentials
  2. Choose "PayPal Payments Pro" for Integrated Credit Card Processing and enter your your API Username, API Password and Signature


  1. Follow the directions at to get your Web Payments Token
  2. Follow the directions at to get your API Key
  3. Choose "Stax" for Integrated Credit Card Processing and enter your your Web Payments Token, API Key and Accepted Card Types


  1. Find the "New Merchant Information For..." email which was sent to you when your Paya account was created and locate the Merchant Id Number and M_Key Number
  2. Choose "Paya" for Integrated Credit Card Processing and enter your Merchant ID, Merchant Key and Accepted Card Types