When you are assigned a visit for a specific client, or if you have a client's key in your possession, you will have access to that client's profile. Client profiles are full of valuable information, including contact numbers, notes about the client's home, veterinarian, and additional details that you should be aware of as their sitter. On a client's profile page you will also find a complete Pet Profile for each of the client's pets.
- Click the client's name on an assignment to go to their profile page
- Another way to get to a client's profile is by going to Petcare > Client Profiles, where you will see a table listing all your current clients. To view a specific client's profile, click the actions button and then Profile. You may be brought to a client profile page that is first in the list, in which case you can use the drop down selector to choose the client you're looking for.
- To print a client's profile so that you can carry the information along with you during visits, click the Tools > Print button located at the top of the profile page.
- Pet Profiles with the client's profile can be seen by scrolling down or selecting the Pets tab.
Pet Profiles can be accessed independently of client profiles by visiting the Pet Care > Pet Profiles page. To visit a particular pet's profile, find the pet within the alphabetized table and click the button.