When you are assigned a visit, an email will be sent to notify you of the new assignment. All assignments will be visible on your schedule, which can be accessed by visiting the Scheduling > My Schedule page.
- On the My Schedule page you may be asked to accept your new assignments. To accept an assignment, click the Accept button. You can accept multiple assignments by using the checkboxes in the left hand corner of the assignment boxes. Accepted assignments appear in yellow.
- You may also be asked to confirm your assignments. Having to confirm assignments helps remind you of your upcoming schedule, and lets your manager know you can be counted on to complete the visits you've been assigned. To confirm an assignment, click the Confirm button at the bottom of the box. As with accepting assignments, you can confirm multiple assignments by using the checkboxes. Confirmed assignments appear in green.
- New assignments and confirmation requests will also show up in the "Notifications" box located at the top of your homepage. Within this box will be a link directing you to the My Schedule page.
- See below for a screenshot of how to Accept and Confirm assignments. NOTE: The Precise Petcare App does not include the status tabs or the toolbar where the Select All checkbox resides.